
For when more is more
and less is a bore


For when more is more, and less
is a bore

Mogg was born from a desire not just to think outside of the box, but to do away with it altogether.

In their kaleidoscopic universe, form does not follow function if it looks set to get in the way of fun. It’s why you’ll find pendants designed to resemble the falling fronds of plants. Bookcases that swivel and shift. As well as a whole menagerie of exciting colours and silhouettes.

 In pursuing eclectic ideas and furnishings, they seek to bring serendipity back into the heart of the home. Creating spaces that are light, whimsical and a true joy to spend time in. 

Alessandra Baldereschi | Designer at Mogg

"Mogg’s exclusivity is found not in its cost but in its originality. Unique not only because is produced by limited edition but because it is different from any other product already on the market."

  • Made in Italy
  • Established 2012
  • Limited edition
  • Avant-garde

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